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3d stealth Build

I had to make a 3D based stealth game for an assignment however the finishing product feels more like a build which is why I'm putting it here.


The player has to hack 4 computers to beat the level while trying not to be detected and if they don't get to a safe zone in time then it's game over.

AS you can see below I focused more on game play because I didn't want to waste too much time on animations I also added in bonus collectibles called bonus disks to add replay value.

Screenshot 2023-02-12 230220.png

AS for the level design I made the floor plan in Photoshop and then used it as a reference to build my level as can see below:


This is a more finished level but with a few more assets in it not to mention colour:


Here is a video showing off the game play:

As you can see the video the player has limited hacks which can freeze enemy patrols and open doors but there are only so much ammo so it makes the player be more cautious and focus on stealth.

From a game design point of view i wanted the player to feel some sort of urgency which is why a timer appears a soon as the player is spotted if the player isn't punished for being discovered by the enemy then it's not a stealth game.

If you want to see the code for yourself then you can play around with it below:

If you want the try out the game for yourself then download this Zip file to try it out:

If you want want to see how I did my research and coming up with the initial idea for this build then check out these PDFs below:

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